The Inspired Room

Refining Your Home for Authentic Living™

A Martha Moment & Giveaway October 24, 2007

Filed under: Creative Inspiration & Projects,Holidays & Entertaining — Melissa @ The Inspired Room @ 10:08 pm
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Ok, now girls (do I have any guy readers? I think not, or they are too afraid to admit it), you KNOW I am not crafty. You know it. There is no hiding that fact. I don’t knit, sew, glue or stitch. However, I did have a proud moment to share with you. Now, I know this is going to seem SO shameless and self-serving to share this, but since my crafty moments are so far and few between I hope you will indulge me in this one moment of crafty glory.

So I am pouring over my coveted copy of Victoria Magazine, drooling over each and every romantically delightful page. When suddenly I see MY CRAFT IDEA from a page in my blog duplicated in the glorious pages of Victoria! Now granted, it is not my photo. And they used different fruit and a fresh wreath, which is obviously so much better, but I didn’t have a fresh wreath in September nor did I have those exact fruits.

Point is, I thought my idea was ridiculously too simple for it to be worthy of mention in such an esteemed place as Victoria! But now that I see it there, I am thinking hey, watch out Martha, there is a new crafty goddess in town! My self-esteem is soaring and and I have a new attitude. Give me a call, Victoria if you need any further ideas. I will see what I can whip up for the next issue. Stay tuned for The Inspired Room, the craft blog of a domestic genius. This could be good!

Since my inner domestic diva is now awakening to its fullest potential, my new friend Erin at Design for Mankind has asked me, ok she begged me, to participate in a little Pay It Forward craftiness and you know I need more to do in life so I’ve agreed. Here’s the deal, don’t all rush for my comments at once because I KNOW you will want a handmade gift from me, you need to read this first:

I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. If anyone is interested in joining in, I will send a handmade gift to the first three to leave a comment with their promise to pay it forward.

Because I know that everyone will want to receive a handmade gift from me (everyone needs a good laugh now and then), and only three will have this privilege, blech, I’m gonna make you a deal. IF you leave me a comment here with a link to a SIMPLE BUT GLORIOUSLY WONDERFUL HOMEMADE GIFT IDEA that EVEN I COULD DO, one of you at random will also get the gift. You don’t have to participate in the pay it forward to be included in the bonus gift. (And don’t forget, my BIG 100th POST GIVEAWAY is coming up soon!)

I need help people! This is a desperate cry for help! Don’t desert me now!

UPDATE: We have two eager crafters and one dreading the idea like me! Hooray! So, we have our crafty three! But, we STILL NEED IDEAS ! Especially Julie and I, the pathetic non-crafters. We need simple ideas, lightweight (cheap for mailing!), and super cute. So, keep the ideas coming or Julie and I will be up a creek! Remember, one lucky idea giver will receive one of my crafts, and if that isn’t enough to make you comment here, I don’t know what is.

Wreath photo #1 from Victoria Magazine, wreath # 2 is my own creation, other photos from Martha Stewart and JCrew


21 Responses to “A Martha Moment & Giveaway”

  1. designflute Says:

    Your wreath-fruit arrangement is simply beautiful!
    And if you want some craft ideas you can check this:
    (and this is not to get the gift-ha-ha-ha!)

  2. Judy Says:

    Sorry :<(
    Don’t look at me for easy craft ideas…I make ANYTHING complicated!!
    Good luck on your search!

  3. Hah! I can’t believe I am going to be the first to join your pay it forward exchange! Bring it on Melissa! Everyone can be crafty, you just have to find what you like to do:>)

  4. Robyn Says:

    Love the centerpiece! As requested, here’s a link to a totally simple pumpkin DIY thing, that could easily be a gift, and you could TOTALLY do it.

    I’d participate in the pay it forward thing, but my blog is still under construction and I don’t have any readers to pay forward to yet! Perhaps next time…

  5. Julie Says:

    Ok, I would love a gift from you. But, I am not a crafty person either. I posted a ‘recipe’ about homemade garland and dried apples yesterday. Does that count???


  6. Dawn Says:

    I would love to participate!! I love to make things and could easily pay it forward and enjoy every minute of it ~ love your blog and great ideas, too!

    xxoo, Dawn

  7. okay…an easy craft idea?
    al i can think of at the moment….hot cocoa kits. we made last year for teachers and coaches. we bought pastry bags from the cake section at hobby lobby and filled the bottom 2/3 with hot cocoa mix…then colorful holiday sprinkles…then lots of mini marshmallows…tied together with cute holiday ribbon and a stamped tag with directions. makes one big mug of hot cocoa. they were so cute.

    is that too cheesy crafty?
    i LOVE that j.crew picture. i think i am going to request a catalog today…i haven’t seen it in years.
    have a great day being the new crafty goddess. i love the artichokes in yours…so pretty. you ARE crafty.

  8. Dawn Says:

    Meg, that is a wonderful idea!! How sweet to have it peeking out from a gorgeous coffee cup from Marshall’s?? I can’t wait to read everyone’s good things…xxoo, Dawn

  9. Mélanie Says:

    I am not crafty neither and all my family is is just a shame ..

  10. Mélanie Says:

    I forgot …your flowers arrangment was gorgeous ..I’m not surprised Victoria had the same idea . You are not crafty but nevertheless you are an artist

  11. Very cute post, I love your style!

  12. tj Says:

    …Love your ideas, your blog, everything! And the wreath you made is to die for! I love to create but my creations are all done in a folky fashion and it isn’t for everyone – so I’ll have to bow out on this one! :o)
    …This is wonderful! I’ll def’ be back!

  13. Julie Says:

    Ok, you talked me into it. Since I have a year to come up with something and my migraine medicine right now isn’t allowing me to think clearly!


  14. Vee Says:

    It’s too late to be in the first three, but I’d still like to share one of the sites where I find lots of good ideas:

    This blogger is also providing a tutorial. I’ll need it. 🙂

  15. Okay, I’m off to look for a simple craft (unfortunately I know lots of complicated, involved ones that require supplies, but I’m certain I can find something? Your centerpiece looks beautiful, btw.

  16. LaTeaDah Says:

    Wellllll. . .you know. . .I like your wreath best! Victoria’s is nice, but yours is nicEST!!!!

    🙂 Hope you have an awesome day!


    PS: I think my wax ornaments would be easy, light, and fun for you to make — but you already know about them ’cause you read my blog. So, I’m still thinking of more ideas for you. . . 😉

  17. Cre8Tiva Says:

    okay…i congratulate you…and i can be crafty…i love the pif idea…might do it over at my place

  18. AJsMom Says:

    Your wreath was what first drew me to your blog. I love it! and I also think your’s is best! As far as crafty ideas, I must admit that I am at a loss for that one. I am afraid that crafts are not one of my strong suits. That’s why I love people like you. You share beatiful things with us that make us smile daily!

  19. Pieter Says:

    Guess what? You have a male reader and what’s more I’m straight! Shock, horror! My goal in life is to be a hybrid of Ralph Lauren and Martha Stewart (but in a really masculine way, okay. I’m sure aprons can look manly…please tell me it’s possible…sigh)

    Love your blog, only happened onto it recently…

  20. Pat Says:

    What a fun idea, Melissa! I spent the entire day, yesterday, either on my way to my yearly check up, at my check, or on the way home and when I got here, I was too sleepy and tired to even look at my blogs. You know how I love my blogs, so this gives you an idea of how sleepy I was!! So I missed out on being among the first three. I’m not sure I can find a “crafy” idea to contribute, but just wanted to pop in!

    Thanks! Pat

  21. jean @sweet nothings Says:

    I am not crafy at all…but it all sounds like so much fun. Let me see……what CAN I make??????

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