The Inspired Room

Refining Your Home for Authentic Living™

Drive Bys: The Outdoor Room Edition May 20, 2008

Filed under: drive bys,Gardens & Outdoor Rooms — Melissa @ The Inspired Room @ 1:00 am
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Hey little drive by fanatics! I’ve been out on the prowl again. Risking life and limb to take a peek into my neighbor’s gardens, outdoor rooms and gates. This time, however, I was on my own. I think after the last embarrassing Drive By incident my hubby has decided against joining me in my expeditions. At least for awhile. Unfortunately, being on my own meant I was driving the car AND taking the photos. I didn’t have time to be out on foot so when I saw something I liked, I snapped right through my open car window.

Being stuck in the car was probably for the best. I would’ve totally run right down that pathway had I been on foot. This is one of my favorite little worlds. Ever. The first three photos are all from one house in the Eastmoreland neighborhood of Portland.

Oh! Look at this! This is such a beautiful outdoor room. I really wanted to go sit on one of those benches.

This little cutie was for sale. It was for sale a few years back and I really wanted to buy it then. So many houses, so little time. But, since the last time it was for sale they’ve added lots of charming details.

Here, I zoomed in for you. Look at that cute bench, the shutters, hand painted awning, leaded glass window. I am a lover of detail. I really wish I could live in one house long enough to get around to the details! The setting is so inviting! Entries should welcome you right into a little world. They did a great job with all the special details. This house is also in Eastmoreland.

I’ve shown you this house before, back in the fall. I always love this copper door and all the green in the front yard.

All the green and repetition of plants makes the setting feel so restful.

Sometimes just a little birdbath surrounded by flowers is enough to designate an outdoor space. Having a focal point or purpose to the space makes it special. All of these first houses are in Eastmoreland, the last neighborhood my husband and I lived in before we moved to where we live now. It is definitely a charming neighborhood. I loved it there! Still do.

This is a gorgeous wood gate. But that wall makes it a little too private for me. I like to PEEK INSIDE just a bit. This was impossible to do, without scaling the wall. Next time. Note to self: bring climbing shoes.

Another welcoming front gate. It is fun to see that seasonal planting area greeting you.

This one caught my eye because of the funky unique factor.

I thought this was a sweet outdoor room. However, that garbage can was completely in the way. I thought about jumping out and knocking it down but another car came up behind me and prevented me from an act of vandalism. Next time I am for sure getting out of the car.

White picket fences, yellow houses, shutters and window boxes…so lovely. We are now driving around in Lake Oswego, where I grew up.

See the peek over to the lake? I lived on that lake for a few years as a teenager. I have many happy memories of canoing and laying out on floaty cushions. It was a great life. I’ll show you one of the houses we lived in on Lake Oswego.

Here (above) was the house I lived in. It didn’t look exactly like this though. Now it looks a bit like Disneyland. Then it was a lovely white washed brick English style house with lots of greenery and vines growing up the house. The basic house is the same, the stone walls are the same (but we had lions on top of the stonework and not a poodle!), but that big double black gate was added by someone else. Too bad because it blocks the view for Drive Bys. What were they thinking? It is a lovely place with water surrounding it on three sides. I’d wake up every morning to sparkles on my ceiling, the reflection of the sun off the water. Sigh. Good times.

This was our next door neighbor’s house. Oops, got the car mirror in the photo. Luckily you can’t see my face with the drool dribbling down my chin. Have I mentioned how much I ADORE doing Drive Bys?

Ooo, another secret garden. Good thing I have my seatbelt securely fastened.

I loved this simple rock planter right as you entered into this yard.

Totally loved this front courtyard. And how nice of them to leave it open enough for me to see its goodness!

Hello, another peek at the lake…

Another inviting entry, private but open enough for voyeurs like me.

Whoa, got a little tipsy there trying to snap and drive, but I loved that little cafe table and cherub girl. Another adorable outdoor space. You’ve seen this house before too, in a previous Drive By.

Loved this gate.

Of course, I am always happy when shrubs and plantings part and I can see the loveliness of the yard.

Now we are driving around the neighborhood where my husband and I lived for about six years when our girls were small. First Addition of Lake Oswego.

Neat and tidy.

I’m pretty sure this house was in Cottage Living at one point.

This house is on the corner so you can see the whole thing from the side.

My husband and I used to call the lady who owned this house (above) the Martha Stewart of First Addition. She was always out snipping and pruning! This house has a definite secret garden, with all of those green shrubs hiding your view.

Her hedges are amazing! They surround the entire back and two sides of her property. They are immaculately trimmed and always so healthy. In the hedge below you can see a cutout where she has a white door, pictured next.

Martha Stewart of First Addition’s gate has always one of my most intriguing places to walk by. Only once or twice was the gate left open and I was able to peer into the dreamy world beyond! If I was only a bit taller or carried a step stool I could peek into that little iron grid. I envy tall people sometimes.

Well, there you have it. Another installment of my Drive Bys. Now that the weather is nicer and I can be outside more, there will be more to come! Have a lovely day, chickadees!

All photos by Melissa Michaels

Check out DRIVE BYS: AROUND THE WORLD where readers share their view of the world!
Or, come along with me on a Cannon Beach drive by!
Risk life and limb with me as I venture into neighborhoods of Portland for another drive by
See some fairytale houses in my favorite neighborhoods around Portland!


101 Responses to “Drive Bys: The Outdoor Room Edition”

  1. rosieswhimsy Says:

    I am totally blown away! You could not have chosen a subject more dear to my heart. I love gates, hidden pathways, yards filled gardens, secret gardens you can only snatch small views of………sigh……..I will be looking at these pictures for a long, long time. There is so much to garner from them.

    Thanks so much!
    ((hugs)) Rosie

  2. OOoooh, AAaaaah! I love them all, you are so right when you say so many houses, so little time! Secret gardens are such a dream. I love all these beautiful homes:>) Thanks for the eye candy!

  3. I would call that one successful drive by. :p Now I don’t feel so guilty for almost kneeling to peer through a fence at a secret garden near me, lol.

  4. How beautiful. I’m always anxiously awaiting your next edition of “drive-by”. The first house and it’s lush, green walkway is so unbelievable. It just draws you in, it’s mesmerizing.

    That hedge with the door looks like something out of a fairytale. I think the major appeal is that what’s behind the door remains a secret and can grow in our imaginations.

    You’ve inspired me for sure. My daughter just moved into an apartment that is the top two floors of an old historic home. The neighborhood is absolutely amazing with an unbelievable mix of architectural styles. I’m going to do a walking tour the next time I’m down there and take photos.

    Thanks for the tour. I loved it.

    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  5. My Mélange Says:

    Lovely photos. Very Inspiring. I am in the process of doing a little french inspired garden on my porch.

    Thanks for risking life and limb to bring these to us 😉

  6. jessi nagy Says:

    wow!! all your pic are gorgeous!!
    i feel like i just went on a garden tour!! thanks

  7. Be still my heart…..these photos are to die for. The houses have so much personality and the gardens are inspired. I will be showing a few of these to my husband. There are some wonderful ideas in there. Thank you. Susan

  8. CraftTeaLady Says:

    Hmmmm… those are some mighty nice places you found around PDX. Next time I’m in town, I will have to keep my eyes open. What area of town are those? Laurelhurst???

  9. pam Says:

    Wow! that would be so cool to live on that block with all those wonderful homes.

  10. Susie Says:

    Beautiful! They all look like they are right out of a magazine.

  11. Beverly Says:

    Please let me go on a drive with you. How much fun! Every one is a dream.

  12. teresa Says:

    Holy Cow- what fabulous garden/homes- I want to live in that neighborhood! It’s so nice to see places where people take good care of their homes- Thanks for sharing.

  13. jane Says:

    thank God for drive bys!!!! do it again! my niece in law is from lake oswego, and i loved it when i was there for the wedding. thanks for showing even more of the place. LOVE your posts!jkj

  14. Vee~A Haven for Vee Says:

    Now, Sweetie, don’t you think that you could get an invitation to the last home just on the basis of your admiration for her yard work? Work on that! 😀

  15. corinne Says:

    I love your drive bys… many ideas. I live in a townhouse so making anything “mine” outside is a little difficult, but looking at your drive by tour was so inspiring. Oh the longing, the longing of it all!! Thanks for always posting such wonderful, inspiring and beautiful photos.

  16. Lorrie Says:

    Next time you want to go on a drive by, just call me. I’ll drive, you take the pictures and we’ll scale walls and peer into secret gardens to our heart’s content.

    Such fun!

  17. Kari Says:

    WOW, holy motherload of BEAUTIFUL houses….oh man, I’d take ANY of them. I am a cute house freak and love snapping drive bys but I’m always the one driving and too chicken to get up close! Great job, love these picts!!!! 🙂 Have a wonderful day!

  18. Lisa & Alfie Says:

    I so glad no arrests were made in the making of this post. It would be a shame to have our vicarious fun spoiled. Great job as usual! What lovely places to live!
    Lisa & Alfie

  19. Shelly Says:

    Oh, be still my heart…I love love love your drive by shootings, almost as I love all things garden. Yippieeeee

  20. I’m so glad you are all enjoying these little pieces of heaven on earth as much as I do! Am I a stalker? I am always wondering if the owners of these lovelies will see their homes online and call in the authorities. Oh, I hope not!!! I’m harmless, really! All I want to do is have a spot of tea in their backyard!!!
    Next time, I bringing you ALL with me.

  21. Joni Webb Says:

    Melissa – you are the best ever photographer – I’m just amazed. what kind of camera do you use? Your pictures are amazing, truly.

    And, my dear, you are a first class stalker. We need to award you that!

    The Martha Stewart house is amazing.

    Beautiful, beautiful post.


  22. Wow…I’m drooling over all those beautiful homes! It should make me feel happy but I feel a little depressed because I SHOULD BE LIVING IN A HOME LIKE THAT! Boohoo

    I really love that Martha Stewart house…Love all those small paned windows, and the garden is amazing!

    Maybe this weekend I can get out and do some drive-by shooting to share!

  23. tattingchic Says:

    OH, wow, that was fun. I felt like I was right there in the car with you. What an enchanting neighborhood. There’s a few places like that here in So. Cal believe it or not. That was great. You did a nice job.

  24. Mrs. B Says:

    I love when you do drive bys! These are all so gorgeous! You have such beautiful neighborhoods around you! I adore that house that’s for sale. I seem especially drawn to the homes that have lots of green with mostly white blooms. It is such a soothing color scheme. I think it would be very cooling on a hot summer day. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures with us!

  25. Diana Says:

    What fun!! I love driving by houses too…must bring camera next time!

  26. Donna Kay Says:

    WOW! That was fun!!
    I felt like I was in the car with you. What great pictures!!

  27. Christine Says:

    Wahoo!! That was fun!!
    All those lovely houses… all that inspiration!!
    Thank you dear!

  28. anne Says:

    Fantastic photos, and those houses are just spectacular and inspirational!!!

  29. OMG!~~~~It is SO worth you risking life and limb to take those FAb garden pics! :)~~~Thank you so SO much for sharing them!~~~XXOO, Beth

  30. Angie Says:

    I love that you are taking us on these tours of outdoor spaces. I’ve never commented here, but I visit all the time!! Thanks for all the inspiration. I have a landscaping crew in my backyard as we speak. But this Texas heat sure presents Lot’s of challenges to the garden!

  31. Now you’ve got ME drooling! I love all those houses. In fact, I love Lake Oswego. how lucky you were to grow up there! And that house you used to live in was gorgeous. Thanks for letting us peek – I mean live – vicariously through you!

  32. Brooke Says:

    Wow, you live in a beautiful area. My own neighborhood seems so cookie cutter, so the-same. These homes and yards are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

  33. Hi dear M!

    We had a little time this week to visit and so glad we came by today, we adore your drive by, you know we LOVED the other ones! The homes are gardens are just beautiful! The Owners certainly do take pride in them. Love your lake, and the home you grew up in, so very gorgeous! What strikes us is how GREEN the lawna are and so dense, we have not seen that type of lush greenness for years due to droughts in Aus. Meli we just heard on the news that another talented Aussie Horticulturist Jamie Durie has just taken out Gold and five Awards in the Chelsea Flower Show jsut now! We have yet to see the photos of the designs but it does not hurt that he is EASY on the eye too! LOL

    Take care sweet lady, hugs to you and of course Mr Winston 🙂

    Jenn and Jacqui xo

  34. karen Says:

    This neighborhood looks amazing. I love how each home has such a distinct design. Each one is absolutely gorgeous. I love that bench at the top and the hedges are incredible. Karen

  35. What absolutely beautiful homes. I’m astounded.
    I love drive by’s myself and always take a camera too. (This sounds terribly naughty, but it’s also fun at night, to get glimpses of the insides! It’s not people I’m spying on–I just like the rooms!)

  36. Lisa Says:

    Oooooooh. These are really beautful. What lovely gardens. More drooling here again.

  37. Leah Says:

    What neighborhood do you live in? You HAVE to tell me, so that I can move there.


  38. Holly Says:

    whoa what great photos! I love the hedge door!

  39. Debra W Says:

    My dear Melissa,

    How funny are you?!?!? And cute, and creative, and fantastic, and very, very special, too! As much as I love your drive-by’s , I just crack up reading some of your commentary. You never cease to amuse me, dear heart.

    I just had to stop by and tell you that I received one of the most interesting referrals from your blog, so far! Ready for this one? TASMANIA. I swear, I am not making this one up. Now, how do you suppose that someone from Tasmania found your site? I know that you aren’t into all of the tracking stuff, but I just had to share that one with you!

    Hugs and love,

  40. A wonderful ride! I enjoyed it very much!

  41. laissezfaire Says:

    Beautiful! Love the courtyard and the lake!

  42. Alesha Says:

    Just beautiful! I do truly find your posts “inspiring!”

    Thank you for taking the time to share the beauty with all of us!

    (muttering)…now what can I do about that front entry way??????


  43. thank you for all the risk.
    these are amazing.
    i can’t even imagine having a space that pretty.
    lots of work.

  44. You’ve out done yourself!
    Call me next time! I want to go too!

  45. Jessica Says:

    Wow these neighborhoods are beautiful! The grass and all the plants are so green!

    I think I’m inspired to do some of my own drive bys… Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  46. I love drive bys too…my kids are always complaining when I drive the long way home to look at houses. Sometimes I try to hide it from them, but they always seem to figure it out when I slow down and crane my neck…

    One of my new favorite things to do is walk our puppy in some of the many wonderful neighborhoods in Atlanta. It is amazing how much more detail I can take in with a ‘walk by’! Having the dog with me gives me validity, I think, and makes me feel less like a gawker!

    Have a great day.

  47. Catherine Says:

    Melissa you crack me up! Your drive by’s are my favorite blogs! I too love doing drive by’s so I have more material to paint from. Keep up the great detective work and take those running shoes next time.

  48. Erin Says:

    Oh my, this was just too much! I am not making this up… I googled “lutyens benches”, and went outside in the dark to measure my porch, just to see if I could reproduce that photo! I found one too, and I COUNTED the slats to see if it was the SAME ONE! Because oh, that house is just sooo adorable. And if the owner is reading this… I will weed your entire yard if you allow me to fly up to Lake Oswego and have a look around your yard/neighborhood! Thanks Melissa! You are so brave and fearless, and I know I speak for all of us when I tell you that we LOVE you for these photos!

  49. cathy Says:

    I am so glad you do these drivebys….oh my, so inspirational, and then I wonder, if I drool over these pictures, what will our homes in heaven be like??? Oh my, eye has not seen, ear has not heard…….what is being prepared for you…..thanks…..I’m going to keep looking at these pictures for a loooong time!

  50. Miss melissa – you totally crack me up!! the things we do for our blogs! I’m serious! We risk life and limb for these blogs of ours and our readers!

    Well, I would like to tell you that I totally appreciate your efforts!

    I think you deserve the week off after this post!

    Hugs and love felicityXOX

  51. katiedid Says:

    What a wonderful post! I especially liked Martha’s garden and hede gate…and also the red tulip courtyard. Oh, how I miss having a backyard! We are working on it though and hope to be enjoying it by next spring. Thanks for all of the glorious inspiration! And thanks for the visit to my blog! 🙂

  52. Mrs. Kwitty Says:

    All absolutely gorgeous!! I was drooling the whole time, lol! I’ll bet landscapers and gardeners make a killing in your neck of the woods. I would love to be your wing-man on your next trip…I’ll even give you a little boost so you can see through that little iron gate in that mysterious door……

    Smiles, Karen

  53. Joanie B. Says:

    Just discovered your blog and am blown away. will be looking at these gorgeous landscapes and homes over and over again. thank you for posting these beauties.

  54. Thanks everyone, Mrs. Kwitty had a great idea, if we went TOGETHER on these drive bys, some of could distract the homeowners (ring doorbell, offer to sell magazines or something) while the others could boost me up so I could jump over the gates into the secret gardens! Next time.

  55. Adrienne Says:

    I love these neighborhoods. They are not far from my home. Thanks for sharing them with us and inspiring us to keep working on our own homes, making them a place of beauty and rest. ~Adrienne~

  56. Camilla Says:

    Lovely gardens!! I am so happy you share all of the pictures at your drivebys, I love seeing traditional american homes as well as gardens, so it is so fun!

  57. julia Says:

    Oh Melissa, thank you for your bravery and going the distance getting us our drive by fix! I keep threatening to do this in my town and now I must! I have to return the favor, i know you would love it! 🙂 thanks for the wonderful tour.
    love j

  58. That’s it… I’m moving to Oregon!!!

  59. suzy Says:

    Oh my Melissa, these homes are just divine. They are so inspiring and make me want to run out to the garden center right now! xo, suzy

  60. I love these drive-by photos. It is delightful to see the green of spring when it is almost winter here.

    I am impressed with the beauty of American gardens. My own state, Victoria Australia, used to be called “the garden state”. However, we have been in a drought for many years so people are hesitant to invest in their gardens because we can’t water them adequately over summer.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I am planning to go through your archives for ideas for my home makeover. Your blog is a great source of inspiration.


  61. Oh wow!!! What a beautiful neighbourhood this is. Your photos are exquisite.

    I shall indeed be back to see more of your drive by photos.
    Too bad your husband is so easily embarrassed 😀

    And why, oh why do these folks think it’s necessary to have these high walls? Don’t they know that the rest of us would love to have a peep? 🙂

  62. Thanks for the post! I love sneaking a peek at people’s gardens.

  63. Alice Says:

    I love drive by’s and this one is spectacular. How splendid all these photo’s are. I’m so jealous …now I think I have to go work on my yard. It’s looking rather shabby against these gorgeous beauties. Thanks for sharing.

  64. Trina Says:

    What a fun post! I feel inspired to drive around and snap some photos of my favorite houses however, I don’t think there is any topping these! Wow, they are all just divine! What a fabulous area you live in! Thanks for sharing all of the pretty!

  65. Karla Says:

    Oh how I love iron gates – thanks for the eye candy!!

  66. carla Says:

    You are so lucky! If I did a drive by shoot, all you would see is desert, cactus, and rock yards. yuck!

  67. Lisa Says:

    All these are so beautiful! I love all the green – how pretty.

    You are so bold – you make me laugh! 🙂

  68. A-M Says:

    They are your drive bys!!!!!!???? What a spectacular neighbourhood. HEAVEN ON EARTH! I am going to have to sit down in the morning with my coffee and scrutinize this magnificent post again. Wow, you sure know how to POST! A-M xx

  69. Thank you for the beautiful tour. I felt like I rode with you. You also inspired me to get out and do some drive by tours of my own. Your photos are wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

    Smiles, Christine
    Ps. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  70. watchthesky Says:

    Hello Melissa,
    Thank you for saying hello over at Watchthesky!! I came over and checked out your blog. OH MY!!! All those beautiful homes and gardens, it gave me that ‘eternity calling in my heart’ feeling. I’ll be lookin through your blog many times figuring out what I’d like to do with my own home.

  71. sandy mctier Says:

    WOW! What a drive by!!! Thanks for sharing those fabulous houses and those pruned trees and shrubs are awesome!
    Have a great day.

  72. Beautiful photos. I love the hedges. Oh, and Winston is a most handsome doggie. You’re right: every blog (and every home) needs a dog.

  73. Just beautiful! Oh that was SO fun Melissa!
    What gorgeous homes – seriously drool-worthy!


  74. ginny Says:

    Fabulous drive-by shooting! Next time call me and we will go together….of course I live about 2000 miles away, but all the more houses to see!

  75. Melissa, this is such a beautiful post! You must have been all over town to give us a glimpse of all these gardens! And your photography is fantastic. And I’m completely intrigued by the secret garden behind the door in the last image.

    Hope you’re having a great week,

  76. Aubrey Says:

    Wow–those picture are incredible. You have now convinced me that I need to move. In the meantime, if the weather would ever stay warm and dry here, I’ll have to work on my own arbor and gate, if I can get my husband to understand and create what my imagination wants.
    Thanks for the drive-by tour! I loved it.

  77. Irene Says:

    Oowwws and aaghhs! This is so generous of you! Some I love, some I like less,
    I think I’m going to “steal” a photo on Saturday (On Saturdays I publish the peak of the crops of the photos I love during the week).
    #1,3,13, 23 and 3rd from bottom (do I see a pattern here?) are my absolute favorites. And we almost bought a house like #28 when we first came here. Hmm. Excellent. I love it when people make the effort. That’s human civilization.

  78. Melissa, what beautiful homes and gardens your have shown us! I love them all. Something to strive for that is for sure!

  79. diana Says:

    that was a fabulous ride through Portland… I loved every single picture… and I am drooling too

  80. kara Says:

    I love the “martha stewart” lady’s hedges………….boxwood & taxus plants are my favorite. Glad you do “drive-bys”!!!

  81. Portland is such a beautiful city. I was fortunate to visit there a few years back and see the rose gardens (can’t recall the name). Thank you for sharing Melissa…..I too enjoyed each and every wonderful photo! ~XO~ Janet

  82. Pat Says:

    Wow, all gorgeous! I love how green everything looks and the homes all have character…just wonderful, Melissa!


  83. Timothy Says:

    Great photos!!!! You really captured the beauty here.

  84. […] You Love Drive-Bys: Check out Melissa’s Drive-By post over at The Inspired Room to see some beautiful homes with equally beautiful landscaping and […]

  85. Bonnie Says:

    Thank you so much for great inspiration! I just did a drive by in Savannah last week (only walking) and I didn’t even know it had an official name! How cool is that? You started a new trend for sure!!!

  86. I would comment but I am trying to get my jaw off the ground! That is just too much beauty for one post. LOL! How do you manage it?

    But seriously, I need to live where you live. If all this gorgeousness (o.k. I know it’s not a word, but it fits!) is around where you live, could we get Scotty to beam me there? Not to mention the fact that I would love to meet you, too. We are not just kindred spirits, but kindred souls. I know it every time I look at another new post of yours!

    Be blessed ’cause I am just from being here,

  87. kim Says:

    wow, amazing, just amazing. I never heard of drive-by. something i am game to try. I just drooled thru the entire entry. I eagerly wish I live in these homes and just in the neighborhood!!

  88. Anna Spiro Says:

    OMG – I just love your drive-bys!!! These ones are divine!

  89. nel Says:

    What a gorgeous drive-by… looking forward to the next one!

  90. Mari-Nanci Says:

    Ohhhhhh happpy sighhhhhhs! Thank you so much!!! You have such special places to peek at. Thank you for sharing them with us.


  91. You are so clever. I did this Drive By of Round Top, Texas houses eariler this year. Here it is, enjoy.

  92. Holy Moly Girl…those are some completely FABULOUS pictures!!! I want to live there (ick, I sounded like the girl from Willy Wonka!) too! I will have to break out the camera and take some pics of the houses here in South Florida (they are completely different than the beautiful cottages you have).

    OR…great idea!

    The Inspired Room Team (that’s you!) could take a field trip to South Florida to take pictures and hang out with bloggy buddies! (that’s me!)

  93. pam Says:

    I did a little Drive by in my area, not as pretty as your area, check it out if you like.

  94. kristeen Says:

    I am playing a long with the drive by’s too – LOVE each photo you have here… Just a Big WOW wonderful stops you have captured!

  95. Judith Says:

    Wow, what a wonderful drive by, I often do the same thing, but never see wonderful homes as you have in your area. Thanks for the eye candy.

  96. ginger Says:

    OH Thank-you so much what a beautiful way to start my day!
    These homes are just AMAZING!

  97. Cindee Says:

    That was beautiful! I really enjoyed the tour. Just was wondering what people say when you drive by and take pictures of their houses? LOL I love all the pruned hedges and doors!!! Thanks for the tour. I will be back to join you again(-:

  98. Amy Says:

    I love this!!!! I did a drive by yesterday and my daughter thinks I’m nuts! Do you stay in your car or do you get out to take the pictures? And have you ever had anyone come out and talk to you when you are doing this? I would love to know. Thanks!!!

  99. M&Co Says:

    WOW I love your drive bys! What a collection of fabulous outdoor rooms you’ve collected here! I’ve had a bit of an unplanned blog break, but now I’m back! And I must say your blog posts while I’ve been away is fabulous! What a treat to come back too 🙂 And all the publizity you’ve got!! Well deserved!! You go girl! Keep up the wonderful work with my fvorite blog!! 🙂

  100. What a wonderful tour! Love so many of these gorgeous homes and their gardens. How great for you to live in this area. Very inspiring place for artist’s who love painting outdoor scenes.

    I’m 5’9 in height. Would be honored to lift you up so you can peek through the Martha Stewart of First Addition gate grid… ha ha.

    Great blog!!! Look forward to more lovely posts.


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